﹝學習記錄﹞- Perl – 畫圓
◯ 畫圓 ◯●●○ ☺
弧度 = (π/180) x 角度
X長度 = r*cos ( 弧度 )
Y長度 = r*sin ( 弧度 )
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict;
##Generate ctxt file ----------------------------------------------------- my $stru_top='TOP'; my $stru_cellA='CELL_A'; my $in_point='0,0'; my $laye='1';
print "Please enter the divided sides: "; chomp(my $num=<>); print "Please enter the radius: "; chomp(my $r=<>); print "Please enter the number of column: "; chomp(my $col=<>); print "Please enter the pitch of column: "; chomp(my $col_pitch=<>); print "Please enter the number of row: "; chomp(my $row=<>); print "Please enter the pitch of row: "; chomp(my $row_pitch=<>);
my $txtfile="./circle_A.ctxt"; open(F_CA, ">$txtfile") or die "Can't write to $txtfile: error $!\n"; print F_CA 'TEXTLIB 9.0.0',"\n"; print F_CA 'BEGLIB',"\n"; print F_CA '!',"\n"; print F_CA "STRUCT $stru_top\n"; print F_CA "AREF $stru_cellA \($in_point\) $col\($col_pitch,0\) $row\(0,$row_pitch\)\n"; print F_CA 'ENDSTRUCT',"\n"; print F_CA '!',"\n"; print F_CA "STRUCT $stru_cellA\n"; print F_CA "LAYER $laye\n"; print F_CA "B "; for(my $i=1;$i<=$num;$i++){ my $arc=(3.1415/180)*(360/$num)*$i; my $x=sprintf("%.3f", $r*cos($arc)); #X方向座標 my $y=sprintf("%.3f", $r*sin($arc)); #Y方向座標 print F_CA "$x,$y "; } print F_CA " ENDB\n"; print F_CA 'ENDSTRUCT',"\n"; print F_CA '!',"\n"; print F_CA 'ENDLIB',"\n"; close(F_CA); print "output $txtfile\n"; ##Generate ctxt file <END>--------------------------------------------------
##Generate csh file ----------------------------------------------------------- my $cshfile="./circle_A.csh"; my $clibfile="./circle_A.clib"; open (F_CSH, ">$cshfile") or die "Cannot write to $cshfile: $!\n"; print F_CSH '#!/bin/csh/ -f',"\n"; print F_CSH "textlib << TL_!\n"; print F_CSH "$txtfile\n"; print F_CSH "$clibfile\n"; print F_CSH 'TL_!',"\n"; close(F_CSH); print "generate $cshfile\n"; ##Generate csh file <END>--------------------------------------------------- `csh $cshfile`; #鍵盤左方的 ` print "convert to $clibfile\n";
##Open cinc file by cats------------------------------------------------------- my $cincfile="./circle_A.cinc"; open (F_CINC, "> $cincfile") or die "Cannot write to $cincfile: $!\n"; print F_CINC "Allocate_rects 1000000\n"; print F_CINC "Allocate_traps 1000000\n"; print F_CINC "Allocate_space 300000000\n"; print F_CINC "Format FLAT\n"; print F_CINC "Compact REDO\n"; print F_CINC "Join NO\n"; print F_CINC "Rule EXTEND\n"; print F_CINC "Border OUTSIDE\n"; print F_CINC "Resolution 0.01\n"; print F_CINC "Input $clibfile\n"; print F_CINC "Structure $stru_top\n"; print F_CINC "Layers $laye\n"; print F_CINC "ext\n";
print F_CINC "\nset view primary enable\n"; print F_CINC "set solid_fill primary on\n"; print F_CINC "set color primary file\n"; print F_CINC "set draw_mode primary input\n"; print F_CINC "set view_bound primary off\n"; print F_CINC "draw\n"; close(F_CINC); print "include $cincfile\n"; system('xterm','-geometry','110x25','-e','cats',$cincfile); ##Open cinc file by cats <END>---------------------------------------------- |